Freezer Burn in Food Spoilage

Freezer burn is a condition which is usually occurs due to dehydration and oxidation in foods. This results in frozen foods. This situation occurs due to the air contamination and air reaching into the food. Freezer burn condition generally occurs in non-air tight packaging. This dries the product and appears in grayish-brown spots on the frozen food. This also changes the colour of the food. But these foods are not unsafe to consume. Food freezing occurs due to the evaporation of water; hence it leads to formation of ice crystals. The water molecules vibrate and it makes the water molecules to come to the surface of the frozen food. Which is then appears as ice crystals. Ice crystal formation makes the food to shrivel and dry which in turn appears in a burnt look. Prevention can be done by using open air-tight plastic containers or with polythene covers. This helps to maintain the humidity.

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